The BA Soccer League: recreational, non-profit, volunteer-run… and tons of fun
The BASL provides adult men with the opportunity to play indoor and outdoor soccer in a safe, pleasant and respectful environment, on quality pitches and under stable, transparent, consultative management.
Upcoming Games
SAGM in early May / News tidbits (really, they’re fun!) / Capping off the season in style
March SAGM coming in… May As you might recall from our last missive, we decided to postpone our usual March 2022 SAGM to the early spring, in the hope of holding it post-Covid (ok, stupid wish there) and, perhaps, in tandem with a preseason kickabout. Come the week of April 18 and the passing of the Easter Bunny, you can expect an invitation to both the SAGM and a hopefully not-too-painful mini-series of workouts at the new Julian DeGuzman Field; Mondays early evening, as of April 25, appear to be the best slots offered for now—TO BE CONFIRMED, however. Please respond to the invitation...
Outdoor 2022 Registration starts March 14th
Fellow footballers, Co-fervents du foot,We apologize for the delay in sending this new issue of the BA Update: supply-chain problems, lack of staff, freezing rain and renovations are to blame. This is going out to our master list of recipients, and not just the indoor clan, because... Registration for the regular outdoor season starts Monday, March 14 We're actually planning for a full 18-game, Saturday-morning outdoor season in 2022 (at Shefford-Potvin fields as usual), with opening day slated for May 28, that is, the Saturday following the Victoria Day long weekend and the official...
Back to the pitch on February 3rd
Back to the pitch on February 3rd: Thanks to everyone who completed our flash survey (104 replies). We also got some delightful comments, for instance: I would play in a Dome, I would play with Rome. I would play in BA, I would play any day. / Two vacs and booster in me... put me in coach! / Play soccer. Make the world a happier, less angry place. / Cool new logo! / Thank you admin team for all of your work to get us playing. / Please ensure the beer after the game is cold. Very important. / Just play already, I’m getting fat. The verdict is an overwhelming thumbs-up for resuming play next...
Update For One And All
Gents, Messieurs, This is a combined outdoor-indoor issue of the BA Update, as we have a few final news items to share (see a bit farther down) from our relaunch season this past summer. But first… Remember to complete your pre-game, pre-arrival COVID health checks on TeamSnap: With the uptick in cases and hospitalizations the past few weeks, we’re asking everyone to continue the rigorous routine of masking, distancing, washing/disinfecting our hands often AND completing our health checks before coming to the dome. We’ve also asked managers to remind you about it week to week. No one wants a...
September 2021 AGM Minutes
Outdoor 2021 Semi-Annual General Meeting September 18, 2021* (*Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sept. 2020 and March 2021 SAGMs were cancelled.) Blackburn Arms Pub-Terrace, 12:34 p.m. Minutes of the SAGM (recording secretary: Doug Spencer) Adoption of agenda Amendments/Additions: Addition to agenda: proposal from Ron Palaczka to use new German Club facility Motion to adopt agenda: Denis Levesque. Seconder: Ed Duncan Agenda accepted Business arising from the minutes of 2020 March SAGM (See file sent with BA Update) Any questions? Corrections? None Motion to accept the 2020 March...
March 2020 AGM Minutes
Indoor 2019-20 Semi-Annual General Meeting March 12,2020 Hornets Nest Clubhouse, 9:45 p.m. Minutes Adoption of agenda Amendments/Additions: 1)_________________________ 2) _______________________ Motion to adopt agenda: Jared moves, Bodo seconds. Motion carried. Business arising from the minutes of 2019 September SAGM Vote to allow GKs from other teams to spare in Outdoor Cup Final: motion was passed without the proper majority (2/3), so is invalidated. Motion to accept the 2019 Sept. SAGM minutes: Bill moves, Brad seconds. Motion carried. President’s report (Ray Martel) Logo update...
September 2019 AGM Minutes
Blackburn Arms Soccer Semi-Annual General Meeting (outdoor season) September 14, 2019, Blackburn Arms Pub patio, 12:15 p.m. Previous SAGM (March 2019) minutes Unfortunately, lost during a business trip (they were on paper only). Still, election results were properly recorded by a second source and applied. President’s report Teams are competitive, with five of six still in contention for the league title as of Sept. 14, 2019 Refs notes: compliments on overall play and behaviour; still enjoy officiating in the league; many requests to Frank Roscoe for chance to officiate in the...
September 2018 AGM Minutes
Blackburn Arms Soccer League SAGM Sept. 22, 2018, Blackburn Arms Pub Minutes (discussions, decisions and action items) As recorded by Romeo Pantalone and reviewed by Ray Martel Attendance Ray Martel , President Romeo Pantalone , Vice-President / Discipline Officer Brian Garson, Treasurer Mark D'Agostino, Executive at Large/Discipline Officer Jim McKenzie, Executive at Large Bernard Pilon, Executive at Large Jared Kitcher, Finance Committee/Discipline Chief Nick Nikolov, Spares Coordinator Regular members of the BA soccer league (see the attached list and signatures) ITEMS...
March 2018 AGM Minutes
Winter 2018 General Meeting March 8, 2018 9:45 p.m. Blackburn Arms Pub Minutes The meeting was opened by the President, with 17 members in attendance. Copies of the agenda, financial budgets and expenses and other relevant documents were distributed. The agenda was amended to add the annual elections. The minutes of the September 2017 GM were clarified. At that meeting there was a discussion about the level of competitive player that would be allowed to play in the league. It was decided that the executive committee and the management board would review applications on an individual basis...
September 2017 AGM Minutes
B.A. SOCCER LEAGUE SUMMER GENERAL MEETING September 23, 2017 - 12:30 p.m. - Blackburn Arms Pub Introductory remarks by Ray, noting that a fall general meeting was proposed and approved at the previous AGM in March 2017, as a means of increasing participation and transparency in the league. The BA now has semi-annual general meetings (mid-September and early March). Minimum age officially dropped to 23 from 25: There was some confusion at the AGM in March 2017 about whether the league had officially lowered its minimum age from 25 to 23 and, if so, whether this was temporary or permanent. The...