by raymartel | Apr 4, 2023 | News
The ladies men in red captured top honours on the final night of the indoor regular season with a 4-1 gallop over TeamSnap(ed), and after Suns of Pitches lost their 8 p.m. must-win fixture 5-2 to spoilers par excellence Our Preferred Pronoun Is Green (they wear dark...
by raymartel | Apr 29, 2022 | News
BLACK AND BREWED, in the wake of what seems like the most games won by a single goal, took home the regular-season honours over Great Wide Sharks by a… single point. Do you see a pattern here? Anyway, well done, gentlemen. Your “fitting” (well, we hope)...
by raymartel | Apr 6, 2022 | News
March SAGM coming in… May As you might recall from our last missive, we decided to postpone our usual March 2022 SAGM to the early spring, in the hope of holding it post-Covid (ok, stupid wish there) and, perhaps, in tandem with a preseason kickabout. Come the week of...
by raymartel | Mar 9, 2022 | News
Fellow footballers, Co-fervents du foot,We apologize for the delay in sending this new issue of the BA Update: supply-chain problems, lack of staff, freezing rain and renovations are to blame. This is going out to our master list of recipients, and not just the indoor...
by raymartel | Jan 26, 2022 | News
Back to the pitch on February 3rd: Thanks to everyone who completed our flash survey (104 replies). We also got some delightful comments, for instance: I would play in a Dome, I would play with Rome. I would play in BA, I would play any day. / Two vacs and booster in...