The BA Soccer League: recreational, non-profit, volunteer-run… and tons of fun

The BASL provides adult men with the opportunity to play indoor and outdoor soccer in a safe, pleasant and respectful environment, on quality pitches and under stable, transparent, consultative management.

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Saturdays 2024 – Playoff Standings


Saturdays 2024 – Final Standings

Wednesdays 2024 – Pool A

Wednesdays 2024 – Pool B

Wednesdays 2024 – Final Standings


SAGM Notes & Summer Registration Announcement

Hi again, BA friends! Here we are, already knee deep into March, mere days away from setting our clocks an hour ahead, the annual ritual that buys us a later sunset, all for the low, low cost of having our children wake up at some ungodly hour before sunrise. And so, in an attempt to put another snowy winter in the rearview mirror, let us turn to thoughts of summer soccer! As you probably remember, we are offering two flavours of summer footie this year with the BA: Wednesday nights at JDG Park, and the old faithful Saturday mornings at Potvin. Stop whatever you're doing and... wait, that...

Announcing Wednesday Night Summer Soccer!!

Hello gents of the BA, It's been a little while since our last update, surely an indication that things have been running pretty smoothly this winter season. We promise we do have 1000 words for you in an upcoming missive but need to get a quick message out to confirm and remind -- we are a go for Wednesday-evening soccer at the Julian de Guzman Park / German Club! We have plenty of exciting communications to come, in which we will share more details, but for now, the important items to remember are as follows: Registration opens in mid-March (we don't know how fast it will fill up, but if...

Welcome to Indoor 2023

Gentlemen of the BA, Can't blame you for thinking we can play outdoors forever: late October appears to be the new late September! Alas, we all know it will change all too soon - darkness, frosts warnings, the age-old question, "Why do I live in a place where the air hurts my face!?" Well, allow us to provide a silver lining to the dark clouds of a Canadian winter: Thursday evenings in the dome, Thursday nights at The Bad Alibi, the indoor soccer season is upon us! Please bear with us and have a read, this communication does include information we want you all to absorb, the way you have...

Summer 2022 Recap

What a season we had in 2022! It may seem like a previous lifetime ago for some, starting the season in frigid May conditions with guys sporting tuques, mittens and a questionable selection of their wives' yoga pants under their shorts. It wasn't long thereafter that we were taking mid-half water breaks and fighting for the shade of the one tree that adorns Potvin NW. What really sticks out to us is how many ups and downs every team had over the course of the year. - Here's how we'd sum it up: It's a Boy! (Light Blue) crawled before they walked before they ran and became men, all in one...

League Winners – Summer 2022

A hearty congratulations is owed to Chris Bradley's "It's a Boy" (Light Blue) team for taking home the trophy this summer! We brought in a consulting firm to help us improve the prize satisfaction index and the resounding recommendation was to give you guys free beer! So congrats! Light Blue has won a $200 bar tab for the team, to be used at The Bad Alibi at the year-end party (Oct 15th). Only time will tell whether Chris is forced to drink all $200 of it himself, or Dave Willey will allow a call-up from the spares list to help out. Ah, but what about the Cup, you say? Well, we plan to deal...

Indoor Registration is OPEN

Hello gents, In the classic fable with which you may or may not be familiar, about a hard-working ant getting organized for the approaching winter and some silly singing grasshopper (I think it was a grasshopper, it's been a while), we at the BA strive to be the ant. That is to say, it's time to start looking ahead to the cold days that will be here all too soon and stock our underground… uh, caverns… (ok, I'm really starting to regret this analogy) with stuff to keep us warm and happy – you guessed it (you did?), it's time to think about the indoor soccer season! Indoor Registration is OPEN...

Summer 2022 Kicks Off this Weekend

Dear gents of the BA League, Ah, here it is, the first email of the usually warmer and sunnier, sometimes wetter, and always more grass-stainy of the BA seasons – the outdoor one! Plucked straight from the flower bed that is the league and delivered straight to the crystal vase that is your inbox. Warning, this email is long – longer than a run up the wing from Mike Tourond – but please have a read, we really think it's all information you should know. First order of business, a warm welcome to the newest members of the BA Soccer League! We are convinced, and expect you will be soon enough,...

Indoor cup winners | end of year recap| SAGM minutes | new executive committee

Greetings gents, As most of you are no doubt enjoying the beautiful sunshine that has graced us the last few days, it seems fitting to send out an email to close out a great indoor season; I'm told the temperature in the dome is now approximately equivalent to the surface of Venus. If nothing else, it was undisputedly the best season in at least the last 3 years! We also had our AGM which I will recap below but do encourage you to peruse the attached minutes. Indoor Cup Winners A hearty congratulations to Maroun 7 (red) for a gritty performance holding off a late comeback from Pepto Abysmal...

2021-22 regular season champs crowned: Black and Brewed

BLACK AND BREWED, in the wake of what seems like the most games won by a single goal, took home the regular-season honours over Great Wide Sharks by a… single point. Do you see a pattern here? Anyway, well done, gentlemen. Your "fitting" (well, we hope) rewards await on May 5 after the Investors’ Cup Final, as are those of the winner there.

SAGM in early May / News tidbits (really, they’re fun!) / Capping off the season in style

March SAGM coming in… May As you might recall from our last missive, we decided to postpone our usual March 2022 SAGM to the early spring, in the hope of holding it post-Covid (ok, stupid wish there) and, perhaps, in tandem with a preseason kickabout. Come the week of April 18 and the passing of the Easter Bunny, you can expect an invitation to both the SAGM and a hopefully not-too-painful mini-series of workouts at the new Julian DeGuzman Field; Mondays early evening, as of April 25, appear to be the best slots offered for now—TO BE CONFIRMED, however. Please respond to the invitation...

Winter:  Nov 7th – May 8th

  • Garneau Dome
  • 7v7 Format
  • 3x 8:30pm / 2x 9:30pm
  • $440 outfielders, $220 Keepers, $30 spares
  • 10 teams
  • 100 outfielders, 10 keepers

Registration Tues Sep 17, 9:00pm

Saturdays: May 18th – Oct 26th

  • Shefford Park (Potvin)
  • 11v11 format
  • 10am Kickoff
  • $230 outfielders, $125 Keepers, $25 spares
  • 6 teams
  • 114 outfielders, 6 keepers

Wednesdays: May 22nd – Oct 30th

  • Julian de Guzman Park
  • 9v9 format
  • 8:30pm and 9:40pm Kickoff
  • $285 outfielders, $150 Keepers, $25 spares
  • 8 teams
  • 112 outfielders, 8 keepers