Outdoor season for 2022:
Just to refresh your memory, outdoor registrations usually start in mid-March (fees to be determined), so please stay tuned for that announcement. We’re aiming for six teams of 17 zombies for the outfield and one crash-test dummy in goal. If society is generally allowed to crawl out from under its rock come the spring, we may be able to start the outdoor season in late May, after the Victoria Day long weekend. Anyway, our usual Potvin-Shefford fields are booked, our refs are lined up, our team sweaters are washed and disinfected, and our team kits and first-aid necessities (read: Scotch, Rub A-535 and smelling salts) are replenished. Sidebar details on sponsorship, possible alternate fields, Founders’ Cup format, renting porta-potties or peeing in the reeds by the sewage plant?, etc. should be settled by April as well. |