Blackburn Arms Soccer Semi-Annual General Meeting

 (outdoor season)

September 14, 2019, Blackburn Arms Pub patio, 12:15 p.m.


  1. Previous SAGM (March 2019) minutes
    • Unfortunately, lost during a business trip (they were on paper only).
    • Still, election results were properly recorded by a second source and applied.


  1. President’s report
    • Teams are competitive, with five of six still in contention for the league title as of Sept. 14, 2019
    • Refs notes: compliments on overall play and behaviour; still enjoy officiating in the league; many requests to Frank Roscoe for chance to officiate in the BA.


  • By-law modifications


  • Spares
    • Currently, no outfielder spares are allowed in Cup play.
    • Collective motion by Executive to (starting this season): allow spares in playoffs, with spares coordinators deciding whom to assign, in consultation with the Executive Committee, if needed.
      • After lengthy discussion and widely varying opinions, an amendment to the motion was proposed by Jason Robinson and seconded by Bill Coleman: You qualify for a spare if you are below 11 in summer, 7 in winter, to bring numbers up to a full on-field squad.
    • Motion passed, not unanimous (but close)
    • Steve Cock was asked to provide historical context for current rule: Motion to disallow spares in the Cup was brought up by Dave Boeyen several years back, under the pretext this would allow weaker teams with good attendance a chance to win in important games.
    • Mike Murphy: Last day of regular season sometimes used to balance the teams, but can be controversial.
    • Jared Kitcher: Vast majority of the spares are really good, so can greatly change balance of teams when they play
    • Marc-André Daoust: Argument is based on attendance; it’s no different from allowing spares in the two or three final games of the regular season and the title is still up for grabs; why would Cup competition differ from that? Both hold equal importance.
    • Jason Robinson: If teams are below 11, that’s the big difference
    • Bill Coleman: Has this been a recurring issue?
    • Mark Meng: The Exec could make team adjustments before the Cup starts.
    • James Cuthill: Lower teams can make playoffs as is, and it’s a good thing.
    • Mike Murphy: Pub league, aimed to be fun; executive should be allowed to make the decisions based on the situation, for the best of the league; being too regimented goes against the overarching philosophy of the BA.
    • Bernie Pilon: The system was abused a few times in the past.


  • Outdoor Cup keepers
    • Keepers from spares list are allowed in the Cup, but what if none are available for the final of the Outdoor Cup?
    • Motion by the Executive Committee: In the final of the Outdoor Cup, one of the remaining full-time keepers from the other teams can play.
    • Motion amendment by Bernie Pilon, Seconded by Ryan Zurawell: Random draw from available keepers, replacement keeper allowed only in case of injury or personal leave, not if the original keeper has been suspended.
    • 10 for, 9 against; motion passed, but contested.
    • Jason Robinson: How is this different from outfielder spares?
    • James Cuthill maintained that keepers are no different from outfield players.
    • General reaction that GKS are different, and not having an experienced person in goal can create a huge imbalance and skewer results.
    • Jared Kitcher: Teams should learn to adapt; the proposed rule change isn’t right.
    • Marcel Chbat: Injured or absent keepers should be replaced.
    • Motion maintained, but executive will keep a close eye on what transpires to see if the changes causes problems.


  • Finances
    • Jared Kitcher presented a finance update on behalf of Brian Garson
    • Winter 2018-19: surplus of $2300, before donations; no equipment purchases
    • Expecting $300 surplus in 2019-20, before equipment
    • Overall positive balance; league in very god financial health
    • Motion to accept finance report by Marc-André Daoust, seconded by Bernie Pilon. Carried unanimously.


  • Discipline
    • Jared (Discipline Chair) spoke.
    • Card count is similar to that of other years; one player was ejected from the league until at least September 2020.


  • Uniforms
    • Steve Cock (uniform coordinator) announced he would be stepping away from the position and that a replacement would soon be needed. Responsibilities are to collect, store, inventory and replace any shortages.
      • No volunteers came forward at the SAGM
      • Position will need to be filled for by the end of the 2019-20 indoor season, with Steve completing the sweater arrangements for the 2020 outdoor season before he steps down.
    • New purchases to be decided by Executive to replace inventory for certain colours as required; better quality shirts are preferred to the Sports International brand now being phased out.
    • Black-White jerseys from outdoor 2019 will need to be all returned or replaced entirely.
    • Some Umbro jerseys are discontinued, new company model will likely be required. Steve will inquire.
    • New supplier Four-Two-Four (online company) is a possibility.


  • Spares
    • Ray spoke on behalf of Frank Lamontagne and Dave Willey, spares coordinators.
    • Good availability of spares overall; quality also very good.
    • Spares need to use TeamSnap more consistently, teams as well.
    • TeamSnap (M-A)
      • Reiterated that teams and spares need to use it more effectively


  • Executive election
    • Bernie Pilon is not renewing his position as executive-at-large.
    • Roles and responsibilities are being adjusted to be more widely distributed among the committee instead of falling mostly on the president.
    • Rhys Williams was nominated by Ray Martel, seconded by Howard Weingarden
    • No other nominations were received, so the motion passed unanimously and Rhys Williams elected in absentia (he had consented to being nominated).


  • Meeting adjourned at 13:50

Recording secretary: Mark D’Agostino, BASL executive at large